The Best College Night Routine In 7 Easy Steps
You can’t have a good day without preparing the night before. This college night routine will have you so prepared to take on tomorrow so you can focus on what matters most when you wake up. Small but time-consuming tasks like picking out your outfit and putting things in your backpack are best done the day before. I remember the days when I used to forget my notebook or even… my LAPTOP because I was in a rush.
"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail" - Benjamin Frankin
Stop being in a rush while getting ready for the day by implementing these useful tips for the best night routine. This post is all about the best college night routine.
College Night Routine
1. Prepare your Backpack
Put your notebook & supplies in Backpack
This is to ensure you don’t forget anything for class. I can’t tell you how many times I have gotten to class and forgotten simple things like a calculator or an assignment because I was working late hours into the night and forgot about them.
Put Your Laptop in Your Backpack
I don’t know about you, but I use my laptop to take notes in almost every class. So forgetting this really messes up my day. I have to take out pen and paper, try to write as many notes as I can, and then remember to put them into my computer at the end of the day.
Writing your notes is helpful especially for active recall purposes but typing is SO much faster and ensures I am getting as much good information possible during lectures.
So, once you are done using your computer for the night, immediately put it in your backpack so you never forget it.
Put Snacks in your Backpack
A couple of snacks give you a little energy throughout the day when you need it. There are some days where you are so on the go you miss a meal. So having a couple of snacks with you is essential. Here are some of my favorite snacks to keep in my backpack:
2. Pick Outfit for Tomorrow
This is another time-saving hack for college students. It used to take me around 10-15 minutes to figure out what to wear and then I would just end up wearing the same sweatshirt and different leggings. So picking out an outfit beforehand, even if it is a simple sweatshirt + legging combo saves a lot of time.
Note: Make sure you check the forecast for tomorrow.
3. Set An Alarm (actually set 2)
Set an alarm! My stubborn self needs like two or three. With my iPhone, I can have an automatic alarm every day that I can change if I need to. This is what mine looks like:

I typically don’t have a set alarm for Friday or Saturday night because I don’t wake up early on the weekend. Therefore, I will set my alarm manually Friday and Saturday night. But Sunday night is when my bedtime begins again. This works very well for me, so try it out!
This should also be the last time you use your phone for the night. I intentionally don’t put this as the last step because I have a tendency to check my messages, social media, and emails almost every time I get on my phone. So getting this out of the way helps diminish that urge!
4. Night Care
- This includes, but is not limited to:
- Brush Teeth
- Shower
- Skincare Regimen
5. Make a to-do list
Three things are all you need. Writing down the three most important things you need to get done tomorrow will help you stay focused on what matters most. This helps me stay organized, updated with class material, and honestly less stressed. So don’t forget to write down a could of things you need to get done tomorrow.
Check out my weekly planner to keep you on task at all times here.
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6. Daily Highlight ☀
My planner has a neat section where I can write down a highlight from my day. So I have implemented this into my daily routine and I love it! College can be an emotional rollercoaster. Not all days you are on an emotional high. For those days where I am feeling low and stressed out, I look forward to thinking of something that brightened my day. If it was a complete sh*t show, I write something I am grateful for if I truly can’t think of something great from my day.
My weekly planner also has a section for your weekly highlight. So definitely check it out in the shop. They’re super affordable and very practical for anyone!
7. Leave A GLASS OF water on your nightstand
Drinking water the first thing in the morning should be in your routine. Having a bottle or glass of water ready for you in the morning rehydrates your body. It is also important because water is an essential nutrient for all of your organs and tissues in your body. Also, starting off the day with drinking water will help you drink enough water for the day.
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What are some of your essential night routine steps? I would love to hear em!