9 Incredible Steps To Learn How To Develop Good Study Habits
Studying effectively has to do with your mentality, preparation, and execution. Learning how to develop good study habits can be incredibly overwhelming, especially when you were never a stellar student. Growing up, I never felt like an amazing student. I could give excuses about being in sports and volunteering, and being involved on campus, but I had the choice to make time for certain things and studying was never at the top of my list.
In high school, I coasted as an A and B student ( while sprinkling in a C every now and then) and it wasn’t until after my freshman year of college did I realize something NEEDED to change. So check out the most important things that led me. to my 4.0 season. I hope you can gain some good tips on how to develop good study habits for yourself!
How To Develop Good Study Habits
Surround Yourself With Like-Minded People
I cannot stress this enough… the people around you are around are a good indicator of who you are as an individual. Take a moment to think about your close friends. What characteristics do they have? If you are constantly around unproductive people, there’s a good chance you’re unproductive as well. If you are around people that talk negatively all the time, there’s a good chance you pick up that pesky pessimistic attitude as well.
Make friends with the type of people you want to become. If you want to be more studious, enter environments that reward these studious practices. Go to tutorials is a good example because this is a time where only people who want to succeed and better their grades are there. Now, of course, not every studious student is in tutorials, but this is the first step in the right direction.
You want to be around people that uplift you and who support you. I promise, just doing this will prepare you mentally for the work you need to put in to be a better student because the people around you are constantly doing it with ease. It triggers your brain to believe you can do it as well.
Unfollow and Refresh Your Feed
I want to take this a step further. It’s important to surround yourself with goal-oriented and productive people but you also need to start monitoring the content you consume. You have control over what you consume. You also have control over the people you follow on social media.
Something that has proven to do wonders for me is unfollowing anything or anyone that makes me feel worse about myself and following pages that are feeding me with positivity, motivation, and manifestation practices. Try it! What’s the worse that could happen? You stop following people that you constantly compare yourself to and the majority of your content in your feed now is nothing but good vibrations? Sounds awful.
plan plan plan
Those who fail to plan, plan to fail. Whatever type of schedule you have as a college student doesn’t matter. Every single person has the same amount of time in a day. You have to make time, or your goals will never EVER be achieved. This was a tough reality to face in my own life. I constantly complained to my parents about wanting to do better but being super busy with other things. Then, my mom proceeded to say, “well, maybe you need to quit a few of those things”. While it was tough to hear, I knew she was right.
I was in plenty of organizations and was even a teaching assistant and tutor. I realized that I HAD to quit an organization to free up more time. You can’t do it all, I promise you. Only until you have your life organized and in order can you take on another commitment and give it your all. Leave the excuses at the door and make an effort to improve your grades.
Plan to study, plan to go to your professor with questions, plan to do better for yourself! If you need help with building your own schedule, you need to watch (or read) this awesome tutorial for time-blocking I posted.
Related ⇾ How To Time Block Your Life To Improve Time-Management (Easy Tutorial)
stick to the plan
Now that you have planned time to set yourself up for success, you have to stick to it! One thing I would experience sometimes is getting this big burst of motivation, even planning out my schedule and time to study for the next day, and then only sticking to it for a day or two. I felt fatigued because I never had the stellar study habits some of my friends had. So when I did actually study, it was a lot mentally, I wasn’t conditioned for it. But, I had to be patient with myself. I also had to give myself grace, otherwise, I would fall back into the pessimistic attitude I mentioned in tip #1.
Consistency builds discipline, disciplined actions that are done consistently create success. Lay your life out this week with some consistency. Start with today, not tomorrow. Because saying tomorrow is one of the reasons you got here in the first place.
study study study
Once you have planned your schedule it’s time to get to work. While studying, you have to give yourself patience, ample time to learn, and occasional breaks. My absolute favorite study technique to manage my time is the Pomodoro technique. Learn how to use this method with my article below.
Related ⇾ The BEST Studying Technique You Need To Start Using
use study methods that work for you
There are countless study tips out there. I’ve compiled 15 incredible tips and methods for learning that are PROVEN to improve your grades and make sure you study to understand and not just memorize. They are also how I got my first 4.0 semester! If you want to check them out click the article below.
Related ⇾ 15 Amazing and Realistic Studying Tips Every Student Needs
study groups
Study groups can significantly improve your grades if you study with the right people. I’m not saying you have to study with all geniuses but study with people who are motivated and have a good work ethic. When you get to a tough question or problem, you want people that will help you figure it out, not people who will immediately throw in the towel and talk about the latest gossip. Remember, you want to be around people you aspire to be (not in a weird way of course). Have friends that inspire you. Have friends that motivate you, not friends that diminish your confidence and keep you in a negative headspace.
accountability partner
It can be beneficial to have someone keep you on the right track. This could be your friend, your partner, or even your mom. Having an accountability partner can help you stay focused and remind you that you have support on your journey to better grades. You can share your study schedule with them. You can also tell them to call or text you at a certain time to make sure you are being productive and working towards your goals. It can be a bonus if this accountability partner is studying the same thing as you, being as you’re getting through it together.
believing in yourself is the most important thing
I always like to end with positive energy because that’s what it all comes back to in the end. Believe in yourself when no one else will. However, I’ve found that even when you have everyone in your corner rooting you on, you can still get into these awful ruts where you feel like you’ll never be where you want to be. Just know that it is possible for you to reach your goals. So prove to yourself you’re worth the extra work, you’re worth the optimistic outlook, you’re worth the effort to surround yourself around people that align with who you want to be because you are indeed worth it!
I hope you got some great tips on how to develop good study habits. Now it’s time to get to work. Let me know if this helped you and if you have any other great advice on how to develop good study habits!