Overcoming Graduation Anxiety: Why You Shouldn’t Be Scared Of Graduating
Graduating can be a terrifying time in your life! You’ve been in school for the majority of your life and you’re about to go through a significant transition on your journey. This can bring a lot of doubt and uncertainty, but it’s also an exciting time to acknowledge your accomplishments and take the next steps in your life. Getting you closer and closer to your dreams and aspirations. In this blog post, we will discuss graduation anxiety and why you shouldn’t fear graduation.
Overcoming Graduation Anxiety
There’s a rush of freedom
Once you graduate, you have the freedom to choose your own path. You no longer have to follow a set schedule or curriculum, and you can pursue your own interests and passions on your terms. Embrace this sense of freedom and use it to explore new opportunities and experiences. The possibilities are endless!
You will know who your real friends are
There are plenty of people that I knew in college! I considered them all my friends. However, as we transition into adulthood and the real world, that friend group dwindles. It happens naturally. We speak to only a small group of people as we leave college. First of all, don’t feel butthurt. Everyone has their own path to finding what they want to do with their lives and many times it requires them to keep to themself.
College is a time when you meet a lot of people and make new friends. However, as you transition into adulthood and the real world, that friend group will get smaller. This isn’t a bad thing! You’ll speak to only a small group of people as you leave college. Which for me, was very similar to my experience transitioning out of high school.
It’s important to remember that not everyone is meant to be on your journey, and not all people deserve your time and attention. Be selective and be open to the fact that some people will only be in your life for a season. It’s okay to let go of friendships that no longer serve you and make room for new relationships that will support and inspire you.
No one has it figured out
It’s easy to feel like you’re alone when you don’t have your future completely planned out. The truth is, most people don’t have it all figured out! Even those who seem to have a clear path often still have questions about their career and future – trust me.
I’m always shocked when I see updates from people I knew in college and they’re doing something completely different than what they majored in. I’m happy for them, but it always puts things into perspective.
You shouldn’t put too much importance on what any of your peers have to say about your journey because most people are still trying to figure things out. So, don’t feel bad about not having everything figured out. Instead, take actionable steps to explore your interests and see how you can turn them into a fulfilling career.
You are about to enter a new phase of life
Transitioning from school to the real world can be challenging. You’ve been in school for five days a week, nine months out of the year for close to 20 years of your life. It’s important to recognize that this change won’t be easy.
It will take time to adjust to a new routine, make new friends, and find your place in the world. Give yourself the time and grace you need to find your footing in this new phase of your life. Embrace the transition and enjoy the journey. Trust me, life gets so much better once you do.
Graduating can be a scary and uncertain time in your life, but it’s also an exciting opportunity for growth and self-discovery. Remember that no one has it all figured out, and it’s okay to take time to explore your interests and passions. Embrace the new phase of your life and give yourself the time you need to adjust. Remember this is your life and your timeline, not the timeline of your friends and family. Finally, remember that true friendships will endure, even as you move into a new chapter of your life.
This post was all about graduation anxiety and how to overcome it.