27 Productive Things To Do When You’re Bored (That Will Make Your Life So Much Easier)
Whether you’re bored or just have time to kill, there are always productive things to do that can really make your life easier in the future. Now, let’s be real… not every free second we have will be spent doing these productive things. Each and every one of us needs time for self-care, time to binge-watch our shows, or time to just relax. But, what I hope you get out of this article is that you can always take advantage of your free time by doing things that will set you up for success in the future. This post is all about productive things to do.
27 Productive Things To Do
things to gain more knowledge
Learn about investing: How on Earth is learning how to grow your money, not a productive thing to do? Even if you’re just learning the very basics, it can be such a good thing to be informed on how you can invest a little (or a lot) in the stock market.
Read: I have never been an avid reader. I always looked up to my older sister because she could read for hours upon hours, never gazing away from her book. Reading has always been something I dreaded. I think I hated it because of the mandatory readings growing up in school that I was rarely interested in. In my 13-year-old mind, movie adaptations meant that I didn’t have to finish the hunger games series since I could just catch it in theaters (even though this is actually the only series I read as a kid😆).
As I have phased out of my teen years, I realize the importance of reading. Knowledge is gained through reading. And being more knowledgeable gives you depth, more opportunities, and a better understanding of the world we live in. So why not kill some time with a book in hand?
If I am at home, I read with a physical book and if I’m on the go, I have a couple of good reads on my phone. Here are two books I’m currently enjoying:

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo

Research a new topic: There has to be something that you would love to know more about. Potential topics you could be interested in are things like new technology, sustainability, loan forgiveness, and how taxes work. Search up some articles and YouTube videos, or even hit up someone you know who’s knowledgeable on the topic.
Listen to a podcast: I have been really into The Skinny Confidential for the past year. It’s such a fun and motivational podcast.
Check out my article HERE with some awesome motivational podcasts that I love!
Learn about cryptocurrency: Now, I am completely new to crypto-anything. Like I really don’t know much about it. But, it is important to note that though, that crypto is becoming more prominent as the days go by. If you didn’t already know, the Los Angeles Staples Center is now called the Crypto.com Arena. That’s gotta mean something right? Whether you’re for or against the crypto movement, it’s something to at least look into. It’s interesting to learn how they have gotten big enough and powerful enough to buy the longtime ex-Staples Center.
Definitely check out this ESPN article if you’d like to learn more about the new arena name.
Learn a new skill: Develop new skills by finding awesome (and sometimes free) courses online! This makes you more competitive in a job search or just helps you become a cooler and more knowledgeable human.
Things to clean and organize
Clean: I’m a firm believer that tidy spaces allow for creativity and inspiration. Put in some work and tidy up to have a clear mind and a clear space.
Get your clothes ready for the next day/week: This is always a game-changer! Having clothes ready for the week reduces my stress like crazy!!! Have options for the week to have a quicker and happier morning routine.
Click here for the productive morning routine I have been loving lately!
Organize your planner: Preparing your planner for success helps you stay on top of tasks.
Organize your closet: Organize your closet so you have easy access to the things you wear most and a neat system for the rest of your clothes.
Wash clothes: Always keep your clothes in constant rotation! Don’t be bummed you can’t wear your favorite top because you forgot to throw it in the wash 😉.
Create a budget or check your current budget: It’s important to know where you’re money is going. So definitely create a budget that works for you and helps you meet your money goals!
Update your resume or portfolio: By no means am I inferring you don’t have a great job, but it’s always beneficial to have an updated resume, amirite?
Check your email: If there are people you needed to get back to, here is a perfect moment to get that done.
Things to plan
Plan for tomorrow: Assign 2-3 tasks to get done every day. Try to keep it simple so you’re not overwhelmed.
Plan for the upcoming week: Batch your tasks together! I like to batch my tasks (article on this coming soon) to get similar tasks done on the same day. So I love creating themed days to help me stay productive. Check out my time-blocking article HERE where I talk about these themed days! There are literally so many things you could get prepped and ready now to make life easier later.
Meal prep or meal plan: You may have found this article through Pinterest, so you can also look up some tasty recipes and get some great ideas going for meals for the next week.
Plan a vacation: I love to travel, but traveling can get expensive. Planning in advance can save you money on flights, hotels, and experiences. One of my new year goals is to travel more. So making sure I have enough (and a nice sum of spending money 😜) is always important.
Plan a fun hangout with friends/family: I love fun hangouts with friends and co-workers!
Check some things off of your to-do list: I have a running to-do list with plenty of things to do when I have some free time. If you have one too, this would be a wonderful opportunity to check a thing or two off.
Start a to-do list: If (on the off chance) you don’t have a to-do list, you should make one! A running to-do list is never a bad idea because you have all of the things you need to do in one place.
What is a running to-do list? It’s a list that is constantly added to or checked off at any time.
productive Things to do for health and wellness
Workout: If you aren’t on a routine for working out, you could use this time to burn some calories. This doesn’t have to mean a big workout where you go to the gym or somewhere outside. It could simply mean doing a home workout (Wii fit/Just Dance included). I promise you will thank yourself for it later.
Drink water: Honestly, it seems minuscule, but some days I forget to drink water! Make sure you’re staying hydrated.
Create a habit tracker: It’s never too late to create good habits. Pinpoint what you want to improve in your life and create habits that help you get to where you want to be.
Journal: Journaling is a way to document memories. Relax and tell us what you did today 😌.
Send a thoughtful message to someone you love/appreciate: I’m not gonna lie to you, I could always use encouraging words from a loved one. Don’t be afraid to say hey or something kind to someone important to you.
Watch a couple of your “watch later” videos on YouTube: This is a fun one because I have so many self-improvement and productivity videos I have in my watch later folder that I can’t wait to get to.
I really hope you found some productive things to do that will ACTUALLY make your life a whole lot easier. Productivity is an ongoing process for everyone. So finding things to do that help you become a better version of yourself can only benefit you in the future!