Productivity Hacks For Great Success (And A Healthier Life)
The beauty of life is that we can change something at any point in time if we feel like we’ve become stagnant. My productivity hacks for great success will help you live your dreams and also live more intentionally. If you’re reading this I know you mean business. It’s incredibly hard to get out of these mental ruts that every person runs into. So these productivity hacks are meant for anyone who wants better health and more success in their life. I know you will feel so much better throughout your day because of the work you’re about to put in!
I’ve been using the following hacks for the past three months and each one has improved my quality of life. I am incredibly serious when it comes to my productivity and I want to always have relevant information that could apply to anyone’s life. So let’s get into it!
Productivity Hacks For Great Success
Keep a half-gallon refillable water bottle
I am constantly told that I’m dehydrated by my parents, by my friends, and by the makeup experts at Sephora. So one of my goals has been to drink more water. In having this big goal, I realized I needed to make it super convenient and easy for me to drink water every day and throughout the day. So I made one of the best investments I’ve ever made – getting a reusable water bottle. Not just any reusable bottle, a 1/2 gallon water bottle that’s cute enough and convenient enough to carry around with me all day!
I found with smaller bottles, I wouldn’t remember to fill it up. But, by having a half gallon, which is more than enough for when I’m working (or in school), at most I need need to refill it once a day instead of 3-4 times a day.
Staying fit and healthy is the #1 new year resolution for people. It makes sense, the healthier you can be the better you feel every day and the more you can get done. My choice of fitness is running. My dad and I typically run 3 miles a couple of times a week. Staying healthy honestly gives me more energy and makes me feel more energetic to get things done!
If you aren’t used to working out a lot, start small. Even working out 1-2 times a week is a great starting point. If you can successfully maintain that, add on another day!
Have an on-the-go to-do list
An app I recently got is called Water Do. While I do use a planner, I don’t always have it with me. So I’ve found it extremely useful to have a place where I keep a running to-do list with me at all times. WaterDo allows me to have top priorities for each day, so it keeps me on track with what I need to be doing. WaterDo is a one-time paid app but there are also free ways to bring your to-do list with you. You can use the notes app, Quire, Notion, and Google Tasks.
Creating workspace modes on your phone
I’m currently using this as I write this article. New updates with the iPhone allow you to virtually have different phones. I have one for work, for studying, for reading, and for sleeping! What this means is that you can create different modes on your phone for different activities that you’re doing. In addition, you can restrict any app that you want while you’re in, let’s say, “work mode”. The same can be done for other modes.
It allows me to be more focused on the task at hand. And if I’ve learned anything this year is that we all need to stop doing it all. Focusing on one thing at a time makes us create ideas and things with more quality.

Create routines
Some say routines are boring. However, routines keeps you on track to making your dreams come true. Anything you want in life starts with the daily things you’re doing to make it happen. I have a wonderful tutorial on how you can learn time-blocking to live a more intentional life. So make sure you check that out!
Related ⇾ How To Time-Block Your Life For Success
Pre-plan as much as you can
What I mean by this is that there are many things that happen throughout the week that cause stress but could be avoided by thinking ahead of time. I’ve never found myself having superior fashion sense, so it’ll take me a lot of time in the mornings to figure out my OOTD (outfit of the day). One way that I’ve avoided this frustration is to simplify and pick a day. I’ve simplified what I wear during work so that I don’t have too much to chose from. Because of this, before the week starts, I can easily create an outfit and assign it to each day of the week. There is no crime with wearing something more than once. Be comfortable, cute, and ready for the week.
This methodology also applies to food! Meal prepping dramatically helps make life easier. I get so moody when I skip meals so this is also a lifesaver.
Move your phone while working
It’s as simple as that. If you find yourself always wasting hours – yes hours on your phone procrastinating and getting sidetracked, just put it away. This is the beginning of you mastering self-control! See how much more productive you are after completely removing the problem from your environment. And let me know how much better you feel because of it ;).
Related ⇾ How To Stop Getting Distracted With Your Phone (Productivity + Productivity Hacks)
Immediately organize clothes after washing them
I’m the type o person that will start a pile of clothes after I wash and dry them. I don’t know why I do this, maybe pure laziness? Putting my matching socks together and hanging up certain clothes so they don’t get wrinkled has been a huge help in my life because I honestly haven’t ironed anything in months because of it.
Do it when you think of it
This has been arguably my biggest productivity hack for a better life. This was inspired by the oh-so-amazing Mel Robbins and her 5-second rule. The way I use it is if I think of something, I either immediately do it, or immediately add it to my to-do list (if it isn’t urgent). This productivity hack has taught me how to be more proactive and serious about things that are important to me.
Your life can do a complete 180 by becoming more intentional with your choices and consistent with your habits. Anything you want to add to your life should be added be in small doses, so you become more familiar with habits that will make you more successful and build on them gradually. These productivity hacks for better success can be used by anyone at any time! So take advantage of these helpful tips and let me know how they helped you!