7 Biggest Mistakes College Students Make (College Mistakes To Avoid)
College is a time of growth and self-discovery but can also be a period of unhealthy habits and negative behaviors. To make the most of your college experience, it’s important to identify and break these habits. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the biggest mistakes college students make and how t avoid them at all costs to improve your mental and physical health, academic performance, and overall well-being.
Biggest Mistakes College Students Make
1. Waking Up Late
Waking up late can set a negative tone for the rest of your day, leading to feelings of stress and unproductivity. To start your day off right, make waking up on time your #1 priority. This may mean setting an earlier alarm or adjusting your sleep schedule to ensure you get enough rest. With a consistent sleep routine, you’ll be better equipped to tackle your daily tasks and achieve your goals.
How do you create the best morning routine? Check out my in-depth college morning habits that you need to start putting into your own morning routine!
Being a college student is a significant adjustment because, for most of us, this is the first time we are on our own. We only wake up when we make ourselves wake up, go to class if we want to, and make good grades if we make ourselves study. This adjustment can be challenging, particularly if your parents previously helped you by making sure you woke up for school or checked your grades to ensure you were passing.
Start your productive day routine on the right foot by waking up on time. When you don’t, how do you feel? I typically feel stressed, rushed, and unprepared for the day. This was me most days of my freshman year, to be honest.
But when you learn to wake up on time, your mentality completely changes. You feel at ease, you can sit down and actually eat breakfast, and you can even make sure you aren’t forgetting anything before you leave out the door. Make waking up on time your #1 priority.
2. Staying Out Super Late
The second one of the biggest mistakes college students make is staying out super late. Late nights may be a hallmark of college culture, but they can have serious negative consequences on your health and academic performance. Lack of sleep can lead to fatigue, poor concentration, and decreased cognitive function. To ensure you get the rest you need, try to establish a regular sleep schedule and avoid staying out late on a regular basis.
What does this mean you need to practice? Saying “no”. Now, am I telling you not to ever stay out late or have any fun? Not quite. But prioritize! You and your needs should come before any late-night party or hangouts. Remember that.
To make sure you’re not waking up late, this typically means that you need to start going to sleep on time. Sleep solves so many problems; it’s actually insane. It has been proven time and time again that sleep is necessary for healthy functioning, and it’s crucial for optimal cognitive performance. To ensure you get the rest you need, try to establish a regular sleep schedule and avoid staying out late on a regular basis.
Related Article: The BEST College Night Routine For Students
3. Worrying All. The. Time.
College can be a stressful time filled with uncertainty and high expectations. However, worrying excessively can lead to anxiety, depression, and decreased motivation. Instead of focusing on the negatives, try to shift your mindset to the positives. Practice gratitude, focus on your accomplishments (even the small ones throughout the day), and take time for self-care to help combat stress and ultimately improve your mental health.
I think too many of us waste SOOO much time overthinking our majors, appearance, and interactions with people, and it all just takes up so much of our mind space and time. Worrying is the thief of joy. Instead of worrying about the negatives, shift your mind to the positives. Yes, I know, this can sometimes be easier said than done. However, you have to try to combat every negative one, with a positive one, because I promise you, it will all work out.
Only you can make this change, so be proactive about it. Whether you need a motivational wallpaper to remind you or gratitude statements to start your day positively or even setting up the motivation app (which is 100% free) to pop up inspiring messages throughout the day. Make this change, ASAP.
4. Eating Bad
College can encourage poor eating habits, where fast food and late-night snacking become the norm. But a healthy diet is essential for both physical and mental well-being. Make an effort to incorporate nutritious foods into your diet, such as fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. This will not only improve your physical health but also provide you with the energy and focus you need to succeed academically.
5. Procrastinating Every Assignment
Procrastination is a common problem among college students, but it can have serious negative consequences on your academic performance and mental health. To combat procrastination, try breaking large tasks into smaller, manageable steps, setting deadlines for yourself, and avoiding distractions such as social media.
Remember, social media apps pay millions to people who make the apps addictive. There are numerous studies showing that it isn’t our fault we get addicted to apps on our phones, they are literally engineered to be that way. This is why you have to be diligent about removing distractions. With a proactive approach to your work, you’ll be that much closer to achieving your academic goals. Which is what you went to college for, right? 😉
Related Article: 6 Simple And Effective Methods To Finally Stop Procrastinating

6. Being Self-Conscious
College can be a time of self-discovery and self-expression, but it can also be a time of self-doubt and insecurity. It’s important to remember that everyone has their own unique path and struggles. Instead of worrying about what others think, focus on your own goals and accomplishments. Celebrate your successes and work on improving areas where you may struggle. You ARE capable and worthy of achieving your own dreams and goals just as much as anyone else, regardless of what others may be doing.
7. Not Seeking Help When You Need It
Not seeking help when needed can lead to frustration, stress, and poor performance. Don’t be afraid to reach out to teachers, tutors, or peers for assistance when struggling with coursework or other challenges. I have consulted with teachers for my grades, financial aids for my… um… finances… and counselors for my mental health through a big change in my life. You are never alone, no matter how much your brain convinces you that you are. Ask for help when you need it.
8. Using Your Phone During Class
Using phones during class will completely contradict why you go to class. You are probably paying thousands of dollars to go to classes that will help set up your future, why on Earth would you self-sabotage that? Put the phone away during class and focus on the material being presented.
9. Leaving Assignments Until the Last Minute
Leaving assignments until the last minute can lead to rushed, low-quality work. Plan ahead and set realistic deadlines to ensure that assignments are completed on time and to the best of one’s ability.
10. Skipping Class
Need I say much here? You’re wasting your time if you do not show up to class. Paying money to do what? Press snooze a couple more times? Hang out with friends? Just vibe? No! There are very few good reasons why you need to miss class, and I doubt you have one.
11. Cramming The Night Before An Exam
Waiting until the night before an exam to study can be overwhelming and ineffective. Start studying early and review the material regularly to ensure better retention and understanding. Check out my post about how to develop good study habits here.
12. Trying To Prove Yourself To Others
The last of the biggest mistakes college students make, constantly trying to prove yourself to others. As a fellow people-pleaser, I have been guilty of this. But trying to prove yourself to others can be exhausting and lead to a lack of authenticity. Focus on personal goals and values rather than seeking validation from others. It’s ok to want to improve qualities about yourself but stop bending over backward for people to prove you are someone else. I try to think of it this way, you will NEVER please everyone. So you might as well be authentic and true to who you are because you ARE enough and will always be enough.
Well, those were the biggest mistakes college students make. College is a time of growth and self-discovery and you can have an incredible college experience. Bad habits can be difficult to break, but they’ve been broken many times before so I know you can break them too. Remember to prioritize your well-being, practice self-care, and focus on your own journey.