7 Genius Tips for the First Day of School (aka Syllabus Day)
If you are anything like me, you want your college experience to be memorable, fun, and full of new connections. The first day of school can be a great time to create new connections with your peers and professors.
In order to make this a reality, there are some key things you really need to do to establish a connection with your peers and your professors. So I decided to give you 7 things to do on the first day of school.
These are all tips that I use every year! Being respectful and attentive are important traits when communicating with professors.
This post is all about syllabus day.
1. Print Syllabi
This is the #1 tip because you need to be prepared for the first day of class aka “syllabus day”. Print it out and look over it before class.
Professors use this time to answer any questions you have about the course! So, if there is anything unclear or anything you’re wondering, have those questions prepared.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions because most of the time, someone else in the room was wondering the same thing you just asked!
2. Arrive Early
Set your alarm – actually – set two alarms! Syllabus day and exam days are the most packed classes of the semester. Syllabus day is so packed because it is the first day and because some people want to know if attendance is mandatory or not (honestly). You will see the numbers drop after the first week.
Therefore, arriving early on the first day of classes is sooo important because you can pick a great seat. And you won’t be that person who awkwardly enters the room five minutes late and is scrambling to find a seat and get situated.
3. Find A Seat Up Close
Arriving early allows you the luxury of picking a good seat! Now, I will always recommend sitting in the front. But if you don’t sit in the front, sit towards the front where you can hear and see the professor and the board/screen.
4. Put Away Distractions
Don’t be that person whose phone goes off lol. It’s happened to me before but it’s:
1.) embarrassing
2.) disrespectful
Your professor only asks for your attention for this hour and a half. Make sure you are paying attention and taking note of anything that sounds important to you.
5. Highlight Important Things
I find it incredibly useful when I highlight important information that the professor goes over. I also may jot down a couple of notes.
So, when you go back to your room, you can look back at the most important things for the class.
6. Make Friends
This is not always going to happen the first day, but if you arrive early you can chat with the people around you.
These are your classmates for the next ~75 days. So, it’s better to be familiar with them because you all can possibly study together, form GroupMe chats, and even go to office hours together. They can also fill you in if you ever miss a class.
7. Introduce Yourself
This is not crucial to do on the first day. But I have found that doing this creates an instant connection with the professor because lets be honest… WHO introduces themselves to their professor?!?!
I will typically do this after class or in office hours (within the first two weeks of classes). I offer a handshake, let them know I just wanted to introduce myself and let them know that I am excited to be taking this class. This has only helped me in my college career, and I know it will for you too!
Professors LOVE students that are engaged in the material and eager to learn. This can significantly help you if you are looking for recommendation letters, opportunities to work for the professor while in college, and even scholarship opportunities.
Please do not be afraid to introduce yourself within the first and second weeks of classes. I can almost guarantee there will never be a professor that is mad you want to introduce yourself to them. It requires confidence and shows you truly care about your class experience.
These 7 tips for the first day of school (aka syllabus day) will definitely help you out! I use these tips every semester and I have formed amazing relationships with my professors, TA’s, and faculty at my college.
I hope you found these tips useful and let me know of any other things you do on the first day of school/syllabus day!
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