multiracial women going out from university

Why I Might Drop Out of College Due to COVID-19

I wanted to write this article for any student that feels stuck with their school opening its doors, but you don’t feel safe or prepared to go back yet. You are not alone! I want to tell you why I might drop out because of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Thankfully I have supportive parents that I can turn to and discuss options with while the pandemic still affects America. Given that we still have the most confirmed cases in the world. We have over 5,370,000 confirmed cases in the United States and over 170,000 deaths and counting and my school is proceeding with in-person classes. No way. There is no way I am putting myself in a position where I could get infected and possibly spread it to others.

The main courses of action in the safety plan my university released included a test before arriving on campus and 2 cloth masks. In addition, classes with 40 students and up are automatically online while classes with 40 students or less can remain in-person. This was disappointing and shocking to me because there were not any strict plans for dorms or the Union. The Union is typically packed to the brim with hungry students during breakfast and lunch. And the dorms are packed with students with visitors coming through at all hours of the day (and night). My university was simply not doing enough to put my mind at ease.

Not only do I have underlying health issues that could exacerbate the effects of COVID-19 if I were to contract it, but I would be living in a residential college.

A residential college is basically a glorified dorm hall for upperclassmen. Granted, it’s much nicer and more spacious than a freshman dorm hall. But we still share walls with each other and many students who live there share communal bathrooms. So there is a very high chance if someone gets the novel coronavirus, it will spread to other students.

Being that all of my friends graduated this past May, I desperately wanted to move to the next stage of my life after college. But, I know that I would much rather wait a semester and return when the virus has subsided.

So, I brought my concerns to my advisor. I explained my situation and ended with a request to formally drop out and potentially return in the Spring if things get better. She explained that many professors were in the process of moving their classes online anyway. Which meant that I could take most of the classes I need from home! But this means I would still finish all of my courses in the Spring because of my required in-person labs. But, this was still a great solution to ensure I get some classes done this Fall while still being a full-time student.

My only other concern was housing costs. I noticed that I missed the deadline for canceling my contract. I missed the deadline mostly because I assumed all classes would be moved online. Especially, given the number of cases continually rising. So I contacted Housing and Food. I asked if I could get a full refund because I would not return to campus due to health concerns. By the grace of God, they replied that they would give a full refund because they understand many students will not be returning because of the pandemic.

If this pandemic has taught me anything, it’s the beauty of standing still in pandemonium. Taking a moment to be grateful for my health, my family, and opportunities to grow in areas I had been neglecting before the pandemic. Also, understanding that I shouldn’t rush graduating and I shouldn’t stress over a timeline I had in my head. Because rarely do our plans work out without a couple of unforeseen obstacles getting in the way.

And of course, I don’t want to ignore the ungodly amount of lives lost over the past 6 months.

I believe we could be in a better place if our government acted sooner and took the pandemic more seriously.

I have close friends that have family members they have lost because of this pandemic. I truly wish we could flatten the curve as many other countries have by now. I truly hope that we can soon hang out with friends, go to concerts, even catch a movie. But, right now, our country is hurting, and we have a lot of work to do. Thousands of students and staff have been sent home from their schools nationwide as COVID-19 has infected so many people and without a proper mandate from the national government. So, stay safe and wear a mask!

If you have started school back up and are going to the physical location, how has it been for you? I hope you are doing well! And don’t t be afraid to delay a couple of things to keep you and your family safe.

Remember… sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess.

Just breathe and have faith that everything will work out for the best.


P.S. Feel free to send me an email or comment on your experience or thoughts. Stay safe and blessed.

Read my blog about why I might drop out because of the coronavirus outbreak! - Ania Henderson College and Lifestyle Blog

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