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+91 Summer Bucket List Activities To Check Off

Looking for the best summer bucket list for adults? Every year I brainstorm on how I’ll spend my summer, all the fun things I’ll get into, and places I’ll go. This year, I want to talk less about all the things I’ll do and more time just doing them! Make this summer unforgettable by planning and making it happen.

These summer activities for adults are perfect for anyone who wants to have a more enjoyable and fulfilling summer this year!

First, I’ll give you all the summer bucket list activities that you’ll definitely want to add to your list. Toward the end, I’m providing a 100% FREE summer bucket list download so you can make your summer plans come to life. I’ll also give you some genius tips on how to make each summer bucket list activity come true.

Whether you’re looking for a weekend escape or just some unique and exciting summer fun to add to your routine, I’ve got you covered. Keep reading to build your perfect summer bucket list!

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Insanely Fun Summer Activities

Travel the entire summer

Choose a beautiful vacation spot and enjoy exploring a new place and meeting new people! 


Find a highly-rated skydiving destination and do one of the most thrilling things you’ll ever do in your lifetime!


Invite friends out to a fun bonfire with singing, conversing, and smores.

Zipline Adventure

I love ziplining! I’ve been a few times in Virginia Beach and once in Jamaica! To me, it’s a lot less frightening than skydiving, but you still have the thrill factor there. It’s gorgeous walking through the trees and having a satisfying zipline ride at the end. Here are some views from my most recent ziplining trip with family.

Water Balloon Fight

This is iconic and totally summer! Buy some cheap water balloons and go all out!

Outdoor Summer Activities

Outdoor Movie Nights or Drive-In

Host a movie night in your backyard or at a local park with a projector and some blankets.

Picnic in the Park

Pack a homemade lunch and spend the day relaxing in a nearby park.

Photography or photoshoot

Take beautiful pictures of people, places, or things. Or, be the muse of your own artwork and have a fun photoshoot by yourself or with friends to keep the memories.

Beach Day

Spend a day at the beach soaking up the sun, swimming, and building sandcastles.

Visit Local Farmer’s Markets

Explore farmer’s markets in your area to sample fresh produce and support local farmers.

Outdoor Yoga, Goat Yoga, or Exercise Classes

Many communities offer free or donation-based outdoor yoga or exercise classes during the summer. I’ve recently been getting into biking. This was from my 10-mile bike ride a few friends invited me on (with breaks in between of course).

summer bucket list
Campfire and S’mores Night

Gather around a campfire in your backyard or at a campsite and indulge in some delicious s’mores.


Find a spot away from city lights and spend an evening stargazing with just a blanket and telescope, if available.


Embark on a treasure-hunting adventure with geocaching, using GPS coordinates to find hidden caches in your area.

Outdoor Sports

Play recreational sports like soccer, basketball, or frisbee with friends at a local park or playground.

Go Skating

Roll out your roller skates and have a fun day in the sun skating throughout your neighborhood, or nearby beach area if you have one close by!

Visit Local Museums or Art Galleries

Take advantage of free admission days or discounted tickets to visit museums and art galleries in your area.

DIY Home Improvement Projects

Tackle small home improvement projects like gardening, painting, or organizing to spruce up your living space.

DIY Spa Day at Home

Treat yo’ self to a DIY spa day at home with homemade facials, body scrubs, and relaxation techniques.

Indoor Summer Bucket List For Adults Activities

Cooking Classes

Take cooking classes to learn new recipes and culinary techniques.

Wine or Beer Tasting

Host a wine/beer night or visit a vineyard and sample different flavors.

Indoor Rock Climbing

Challenge yourself on indoor rock climbing walls at a local gym or facility.

Indoor Skydiving

Experience the sensation of skydiving indoors at a vertical wind tunnel facility.

Board Game Nights

Organize regular board game nights with friends or family for some indoor fun.

Indoor Gardening

Grow an indoor garden with house plants or herbs to brighten up your living space and spice up your dishes!

Home Movie Marathon

Plan a movie marathon day with your favorite films, and enjoy popcorn and your favorite drink.

Escape Room Challenges

Test your problem-solving skills by participating in escape room challenges with friends.

Finish “X” Amount of Books

Pick up those books you’ve been wanting to start since the year started! You can create a goal to read a certain amount of books. Here are some books I’m wanting to finish in the next month (or two :,))

summer bucket list for adults

Books mentioned:

Indoor Mini Golf

Set up a mini golf course indoors using household items and get competitive with friends.

Home Renovation Projects

Tackle DIY home renovation projects and redecorate your living space.

Indoor Water Park

Visit an indoor water park for a day of splashing fun and water slides.

Indoor Ice Skating

Cool off from the summer heat with indoor ice skating at a local rink.

Summer Activities For Adults at Work

No Technology Day

Treat your hardworking self with a no-phone day and go do something fun or different that you’ve always wanted to try!

Take a Self Care Day

They don’t have to know what the reason for your off day is ;). However, I think it’s important to take a day every once in a while to relax, have fun, and do what you want to do.

Go Out To Lunch With Coworkers

Have a day when you go out with coworkers that you like for lunch or dinner! This can be a great way to get to know the people you work with more.

Fun Summer Bucket List Ideas For Adults With Friends

Outdoor Potluck Picnics

Organize potluck picnics with friends where everyone brings a dish to share and enjoy a meal together outdoors.

Book Club

Start or join a book club to read and discuss books with fellow book lovers.

DIY Outdoor BBQ Party

Invite friends over for a potluck-style barbecue where everyone brings a dish to share.

Beach Day

Invite your friends out for a fun beach day! Go swimming, read a good book, beach volleyball, and finish with a campfire!

Mountain Day

Invite your friends to go hiking by finding a nearby trail or do a short and sweet road trip to a nice trail. End the day with smores and fun conversation!

Affordable & Easy Summer Bucket List For Adults Ideas

Play Water Guns

Anyone at any age can have fun shooting water guns. Have family or friends join you and form teams to make it a fun game!

Make Homemade Popsicles

Add fresh fruit juice and create some refreshing tasty popsicles!

Night Swim

Enjoy a relaxing and fun night swim at the beach or a nearby pool.

Throw a Summer Party

Invite your friends and family to a fun summer beach party! They can try your homemade popsicles.

Watch the Sunset or Sunrise

It’s the simple things that we often forget about. Enjoy a sunrise or sunset.

summer bucket list
Make Homemade Ice Cream

Make homemade ice cream or root beer float.

Community Events and Festivals

Check out free community events, festivals, and concerts happening in your area during the summer months.

DIY Craft Workshops

Get creative with DIY craft projects at home using materials you already have or can find inexpensively.

Watch and Egg Fry On The Sidewalk

This one is hilarious but when we were little, my sister and I would see what would melt or cook in the sun since we live in Texas and it was pipping hot during summers.

Couples Summer Bucket List For Adults Ideas

Sunset Beach Picnic

Pack a romantic picnic basket with your favorite snacks and enjoy a sunset picnic on the beach.

Outdoor Movie Night

Set up a cozy outdoor movie area in your backyard or balcony and cuddle up under the stars with a movie projector.

Couples Cooking Class

Take a cooking class together and learn to prepare a new cuisine or dish that you both love.

Hiking Adventure

Explore nature together by going on a scenic hike in a nearby national park or nature reserve.

Wine Tasting Tour

This is best with friends or someone you’re dating! Have a fun day trying lovely wine and enjoying each other’s company.

Couples’ Spa Day

Treat yourselves to a relaxing day at a spa with couples’ massages, facials, and other pampering treatments.

Weekend Road Trip

Plan a spontaneous road trip to a nearby destination, exploring new places and creating lasting memories together.

Kayaking or Canoeing

Rent a kayak or canoe and spend a day paddling together on a calm river or lake.

Outdoor Concert or Music Festival

Attend an outdoor concert or music festival and enjoy live music and dancing together.

Couples’ Photography Session

Hire a photographer or set up a camera tripod and take romantic photos together in scenic locations.

Stargazing Night

Find a secluded spot away from city lights and spend the evening stargazing together, pointing out constellations and sharing stories.

Couples’ Fitness Class

Take a couples’ yoga or fitness class to strengthen your muscles and your relationship!

Farmers Market Date

Explore a local farmers market together and get fresh produce to make a yummy and romantic dinner in the evening.

Cooking Dinner Together

Plan a romantic dinner at home and cook a delicious meal together, trying out new recipes or creating your own.

Sailing or Boat Cruise

Rent a sailboat or book a boat cruise and spend the day sailing or cruising along the coast.

summer bucket list for adults
Outdoor Painting Session

Bring some art supplies and paint together outdoors, capturing the beauty of nature on canvas.

Couples’ Bike Ride

Rent bikes or use your own and go for a scenic bike ride together along a bike path or through a park.

Couples’ Game Night

Have a game night at home with board games, card games, or video games for some friendly competition and fun.

Couples’ Camping Trip

Pitch a tent and spend a night camping under the stars, roasting marshmallows by the campfire and sharing stories.

Volunteer Together

If there’s something you both care about, think about spending a Saturday or Sunday volunteering! At a dog shelter, homeless shelter, packing meals for the less fortunate, or nature-centered volunteer.

Tips for Creating the Best Summer Bucket List For Adults

Set Your Summer Goals Write Down Your Summer Bucket List

It’s obviously fun and thrilling to read through this article and think about how awesome it’d be to do some of these activities. However, I want you to ACTUALLY make a list, and get to planning! 

Just like that one saying, when a trip or event planned with friends “leaves the group chat” due to collective planning… You need to take the initiative to make sure these summer bucket list activities are feasible and achievable.

Set Up A Budget For The Summer

Every exciting plan requires money to make it happen, sigh. Making sure you’re saving money to make your plans happen will make it more likely for you to actually do them. 

Think about the interests of your Friends or Group

Picking friends you think would enjoy some of these activities with you can really help you plan! Creating group chats or reaching out to some friends individually can help gauge interest. Don’t feel nervous to create ideas with friends, the worst they can say is no or suggest something else.

Be Open to Trying New Things

I hate to sound cliche buuuuut… You only live once. Bucket lists are meant to be a little out of your comfort zone. So, pick things that excite you and may make you a little nervous (in a good way). 

summer bucket list for adults

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